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"Your descriptive writing is superb – clear and elegant - beautifully observed and recorded – it is like a love letter to Sydney Harbour!
I found the erotic scenes well written, too, and this isn’t an easy thing to do! I liked the ‘primal scene’ encountered by young Ronan in the barn – and the trampling bull – lovely stuff.
I did enjoy your lyrical writing—the Harbour – so well drawn. You certainly know how to write beautifully and Children Of The Gods has something to say."
Gabrielle Lord, author
I have just finished Children of the Gods. It's a wonderful book—an interesting, meaningful premise, beautifully constructed, full of wisdom and insight.
Naomi M.
"I have just this minute completed reading your marvellous book! I would never have guessed at the amazing twists! And so credible, really.
I loved the way you moved from landscape to landscape, including Sydney Harbour, Blue Mts, Crete.... and the true showing of your long years in the psychological stuff...
C Josephs PhD
"I read your wonderful novel--at one sitting! Such a page-turner (or page-swoosher, as I read it on Kindle).
Mel Z.
"This novel, with a underlying veneer of evil and manipulation, keeps the reader intrigued until the final twist ending. And what a TWIST it is !
...Give one to a friend or keep it for yourself...You can't go wrong.'
Jeff R.
'Angela Moore's characters will entrap you in their savage games, yet, after a few more chapters you are cheering them on. The plot and sub-plot have twists and turns that will keep you guessing until the climax ! What a ride - a bit naughty, but still fascinating. This reader would love to see a sequel.'
A. Riddick
'I loved this book! It contained many of the things that I like about a good book! Suspense, love, mythology, psychology, romance, and a little bit of quirkiness! The author did a great job with the characters, protagonist and antagonist! I found myself involved with their lives and hoping it would all work out! But I won't give a spoiler, so just take a look for yourself!'
C. Peyton
'I finished it at 4am this morning (and paying for it now) - it has been a long time since two characters got so inside me...I missed them so much all day! Do let me know when the next one is out.
J Thorpe
'Dancing at the crossroads between myth and romance, in this novel love blooms amid the vulnerability, cruelty and imperfection myth has always sought to acknowledge, and romance, to repair.'
F. Joy
'A masterful novel. The story weaves its magic through the millennia. A must read.'
S Paul
'I found myself totally gripped, and galloped to the end. A compelling narrative, witty and suspenseful.'
R Rhuble
'I have just finished reading "Children of the Gods" and really enjoyed it. I look forward to your next book. Well done!'
A Smith
'I loved it! The descriptions made me feel as though I was there, and the characters are so real. I didn't want to finish it and plan to start again from the beginning. When is the next book due?'
J Barrett
'Sydney provides the perfect backdrop to this psycho-sexual, mythological drama. The narrative arc that frames the motivations and relationships of richly complex characters drives this beautifully written text. Tension is sustained to the last few pages and the ending is both satisfying and unsettling. A fantastic read. I’m looking forward to the next book in the series! '
H Clark
I have just finished your book as I kept it until I went away. OMG how talented you are what a amazing story. I can’t wait for your next book. If anyone wants a great book to read Children of the Gods. I highly recommend this one.
M Bowen
I loved it. A great read, definitely want a copy of your next book.
S Simitzis
Definitely a page turner! Interesting and somewhat frightening/uncomfortable insights into the human psyche both male and female. It really got me thinking and I loved the tie into mythology.
M Price
"Thank you for your book of poetry and art. It is only by way of imaginative and heartfelt expression that great mysteries can be glimpsed. It is a beautiful book which conjures a sense of the huge , ever present, glorious existence beyond us, to which I truly believe we will reconnect."
Caroline G.
"Journey of the Soul - Your splendid book arrived today! I’m half-way through it and it’s quite brilliant in a completely humble way. Not showy. Gorgeous in content and lovely to behold. I shall treasure this. Thank you."
J. Broberg-Carter