To mark the passing of the year and the new beginning, I have written and recorded a poem: 'Noumenon' . It speaks of the single, undifferentiated entity – das Ding an sich (thing-in-itself), which occupies no space and all space, is timeless, non-material, and beyond the reach of causality. Within it, phenomena dissolve.
I hope you will enjoy the words, the music, the photography, even as I enjoyed the creative process which brought it to life. (I've included a transcript below.)
The trance dissolves
the vanity of all things:
of war, religion, power, desire.
Elaborate figures carved from sand.
The rising tide obliterates
the carefully crafted monuments
reducing them once more
to tiny grains
each one unique,
yet unified
upon a primal strand.
Phenomena disintegrate
das Ding an sich
the Noumenon
within the ebbing tide.