The Art Journal is a wonderful invention - a place to document ideas, develop techniques, and even purge the emotions!
I've started several over the past few years, picking them up for a while, then forgetting about them when life got in the way. But these days, as art occupies an increasing part of my life, I've been working on a new journal, because I want to ensure that each day contains some portion of visual creativity; and I enjoy the feeling of achievement as I watch the pages fill with designs, especially since larger works take time and energy, and my output is much slower.
I enjoy taking a peek into the way other artists document their creative process, and I know many people feel the same way. Consequently I've decided to share mine with you.
Once it's filled, I'll bare my soul and publish the entire book online - but, for now, here is a YouTube featuring some of my latest entries.
Just click on the picture below, and it will take you to the video.